PECB has signed a partnership agreement with Global Energy and Environmental Engineering Services

Featured News 2021-05-11
April 26, 2021 – Another deal is sealed. Today, PECB and GE3S reached an agreement to dispense trainings and courses of ISO standards in UAE, ensuring that each party offers their best on providing top services to their customers.   
“The purpose of this partnership is to elevate national awareness to the importance of ISO standards and how it helped shape UAE culture,” said Eric Lachapelle, the CEO of PECB. “Over the last years, the determination became an expression of the lifestyle and GE3S will help make this lifestyle possible for the individuals of UAE,” added Lachapelle.
Satyapal Singh, Executive Director, GE3S
“GE3S is excited to be partnered with PECB to disseminate the Management Systems knowledge to aspiring professionals to enhance their skills and bridge the gap in the Industry.  GE3S see that partnership not only help both PECB and GE3S but also create a right mindset of people with professional certification to leverage their position in the organization and enhance the national standard of work culture” said Satyapal Singh, the Executive Director of GE3S of Global Operations.
“Current COVID-19 pandemic has further challenged the whole world to evolve to highest of hygiene standards and management the systems remotely, which further create the need for ISO standards to bring into implementation religiously” Added Mr. Singh.
About PECB 
PECB is a certification body which provides education and certification under ISO/IEC 17024 for individuals on a wide range of disciplines. As a global provider of training, examination, and certification services, PECB offers its expertise on multiple fields, including, but not limited to, Information Security, Privacy and Data Protection, Business Continuity, Quality and Service Management, Risk Management, Health and Safety, and Sustainability. 
We help professionals show commitment and competence by providing them with valuable education, evaluation, and certification against internationally recognized standards. Our mission is to provide our clients with services that inspire trust, demonstrate competence, and benefit society as a whole. For further information about PECB’s principal objectives and activities, visit
About GE3S 
Global Energy and Environmental Engineering Services (GE3S) is a specialist consulting and management firm providing engineering and management solutions to large organizations. As an environmental, clean energy, sustainability, health & safety, and IT integrated service provider, we help our clients to transform their organizations in the ways that matter most to them. This requires embedding digital, analytics, and design into core processes and mind-sets, and building capabilities that help organizations and people to thrive in an ever-changing context. 
Additionally, GE3S help individually to elevate their professional knowledge through ISO standards training and certification that enable them to best fit in the Industry.
For further information about GE3S’s offerings, please visit