PECB has signed a partnership agreement with ADN LÓGICO

Featured News 2021-09-06
31st of August, 2021– Another deal is sealed. Today, PECB and ADN LÓGICO reached an agreement to dispense trainings and courses of ISO standards in Angola, ensuring that each party offers their best on providing top services to their customers.   
“The purpose of this partnership is to elevate national awareness to the importance of ISO standards and how it helped shape Angola culture,” said Eric Lachapelle, the CEO of PECB. “Over the last years, the determination became an expression of the lifestyle and ADN LÓGICO will help make this lifestyle possible for the individuals of Angola,” added Lachapelle.
Pedro Nunes, CEO, ADN LÓGICO
It's in our DNA, in everything we do, to do it with PASSION. For this reason, the commitment to the quality of the products and services we develop is our priority. The selection of our partners is carefully selected, for this reason, relying on PECB to offer our customers high quality solutions was what moved us to close this partnership. A global company, but one that thinks locally, only makes sense in this way. 
This is the beginning of a long-term relationship, with the aim of offering the Angolan market high quality solutions. This choice, in addition to allowing us to have a broad offer that complements our Document management solutions, is the next step in our company's certification process, which we have been preparing internally.
About PECB
PECB is a certification body which provides education and certification under ISO/IEC 17024 for individuals on a wide range of disciplines. As a global provider of training, examination, and certification services, PECB offers its expertise on multiple fields, including, but not limited to, Information Security, Privacy and Data Protection, Business Continuity, Quality and Service Management, Risk Management, Health and Safety, and Sustainability. 
We help professionals show commitment and competence by providing them with valuable education, evaluation, and certification against internationally recognized standards. Our mission is to provide our clients with services that inspire trust, demonstrate competence, and benefit society as a whole. For further information about PECB’s principal objectives and activities, visit
ADN LÓGICO is a registered trademark and a software house that develops and sells a document management solution, processes and workflow based on software NUNTIUS, a platform development by our company.
ADN LÓGICO is dedicated to the development and sells solutions for document and process management, BPM, process automation and automatic document capture, recognition and indexing.
NUNTIUS software is distributed through a network of authorized partners, providing solutions for companies, regardless of their size, complexity, or market segment.
With over 10 years of experience in the market, we have accumulated experience in different types of projects in the management and automation of information in various sectors of activity. Visit