PECB Awards Ceremony News Release Article

Featured News 2022-02-04

In December 2021, we held the fifth PECB Awards Ceremony, where we were able to share with you the achievements of the brilliant PECB Partners and Trainers of the year 2021! On this important occasion, we get a chance to publicly celebrate this success with everyone. With a lot of dedication, diligence, and perseverance we were able to once again have a successful year, for which we have all our partners, trainers, and all who have developed with us to thank. In light of this fruitful year, once more, PECB wishes to celebrate the hard work of our Partners and Trainers through this Awards Ceremony, commemorating our continual successful cooperation.

While we have had the honor to work with amazing trainers and partners from all over the world, with over 2,300 partners, and over 1,600 trainers globally, and while each and every one has had their successes, unfortunately, we have only been able to award 16 of our partners and trainers, but we will be celebrating all of you and your work throughout this year.

As you are well aware, the trainer award categories are language-based, and this year we have added another category for the German Trainer of the year. With our ever-growing network, we will continue to award trainers for as many languages as possible. 

In 2021, PECB has awarded the following trainers: 

Furthermore, the categories for our Partner of the Year Awards are separated by the regions in which they operate. PECB is an organization that has a global reach in over 150 countries. None of this would have been possible without our extensive list of more than 2,300 partners. Through this awards ceremony, we would like to express our gratitude and appreciation for all of the hard work our partners do.

 In 2021, PECB has awarded the following partners: 

“We are truly honored and grateful for all the hard work and dedication of our partners and trainers all around the world. It has been a great pleasure to work with all of them, and this strong affiliation and friendly approach has led us to strengthen the overall business relationship and achieve many great successes together.” - Tim Rama, CEO

Once again, PECB wants to extend its warmest congratulations to the winners for their achievement and thank them for their contribution to our partnership.