PECB has signed a partnership agreement with Rural Affairs Institute for Development

Featured News 2022-03-23
March, 2022 –Today, PECB has signed a deal with Rural Affairs Institute for Development. This pact will help Rural Affairs Institute for Development to better defend its territory against competitors. Our partnership will make sure that the people of Nigeria receive what they deserve, from the best practices of ISO 9001 services in the region.  
“ISO standards are designed to help professionals utilize the latest development of standards to attract and enroll the right students. Rural Affairs Institute for Development will seamlessly integrate with the vision of PECB to enable organizations to harness the latest communications technology,” said Tim Rama, the CEO of PECB. “The strategic partnership will offer a solid platform that interacts with the vision functionality to provide an unrivalled solution in the sector spanning student recruitment and retention. PECB supports the delivery of education, learning and training services around the world,” emphasized Rama.
Rural Affairs Institute for Development focus on demystifying development issues and programs to ensure local Actors involvement. The PECB and Rural Affairs Institute for Development Partnership are to extend the frontier of professionalism and inclusive development. The vision of the Institute is the improve number of practitioners in Global standards. 
About PECB
PECB is a certification body which provides education and certification under ISO/IEC 17024 for individuals on a wide range of disciplines. As a global provider of training, examination, and certification services, PECB offers its expertise on multiple fields, including, but not limited to, Information Security, Privacy and Data Protection, Business Continuity, Quality and Service Management, Risk Management, Health and Safety, and Sustainability. 
We help professionals show commitment and competence by providing them with valuable education, evaluation, and certification against internationally recognized standards. Our mission is to provide our clients with services that inspire trust, demonstrate competence, and benefit society as a whole. For further information about PECB’s principal objectives and activities, visit
About Rural Affairs Institute for Development  
Rural Affairs Institute for Development is a registered training institute in Nigeria. The Institute ensures that training programs and services are simplified, tailored to provide local solutions, accessible by real-time implementers and are based on global best practices. For further information about Rural Affairs Institute for Development’s principal objectives and activities, visit