PECB has signed a partnership agreement with Locaswell Energy P/L

Featured News 2022-05-18
11th of March, 2022 – PECB is pleased to announce a collaborative partnership with Locaswell Energy P/L, to bring PECB training courses in Zimbabwe. This partnership will enable both companies to strengthen their presence in the market by providing better access to their services, recognizing that both companies work to achieve the same goal.
“Our success with Locaswell Energy P/L has allowed us to connect with our customers and deliver the services that they really want and need. PECB has built a strong reputation in the international market for its expertise and ability to develop and deliver training courses on many ISO standards,” says Tim Rama, the CEO of PECB. “We are excited to partner with Locaswell Energy P/L and lend our expertise to help create better services for Zimbabwe market. We look forward on growing this partnership as market demand for ISO Standard Trainings continues to grow,” added Rama.
Tafi Chikwakwata, Director, Locaswell Energy P/L
Our goal and vision has been to capacitate the space and sector in which we operate. Bringing the right tools to the workplace will help many Zimbabwean companies achieve world standard operating environments that enhance their businesses and empower their workforces. We look forward to a building a productive relationship with PECB and look forward to leaning on their strong reputation and professionalism as we build a strong presence for PECB here in Zimbabwe. 
We look to provide top class ISO standards training to meet the growing demand in standards certification.  
We share in Tim Rama’s excitement and look forward to learning from the PECB team and its partners around the globe. The PECB circle of influence and impact keeps growing and we look forward to playing our part in this growth.
About PECB 
PECB is a certification body which provides education and certification under ISO/IEC 17024 for individuals on a wide range of disciplines. As a global provider of training, examination, and certification services, PECB offers its expertise on multiple fields, including, but not limited to, Information Security, Privacy and Data Protection, Business Continuity, Quality and Service Management, Risk Management, Health and Safety, and Sustainability. 
We help professionals show commitment and competence by providing them with valuable education, evaluation, and certification against internationally recognized standards. Our mission is to provide our clients with services that inspire trust, demonstrate competence, and benefit society as a whole. For further information about PECB’s principal objectives and activities, visit
About Locaswell Energy P/L
Locaswell energy p/l has been in the energy field for over 20 years. During this time, we have learnt much as engineers in the fields of power and system design, construction and maintenance. 
We believe that it is now time to give back to the industry that taught us a great deal. Through our partnership with PECB we will offer high quality standards training to professionals in our sector and help them achieve the same we have gained over 20 years in the energy engineering sector. 
Our mission is always driven by excellence and commitment to delivering the best of ourselves. With the help of PECB we shall now be able to pass this desire for excellence to professionals in our sector and sphere of influence by enhancing standards in Zimbabwe & Southern Africa in general through top quality training and certification such as offered by PECB.