PECB signs a partnership agreement with Oranos for Quality and Calibration Limited Company (OQC – Company)

Featured News 2023-03-16

March 14, 2023 – As of today, OQC – Company has signed a new partnership agreement with PECB. Signing this agreement will urge respective companies to give their best in providing people of Libya with PECB courses.
"We are very delighted to be a part of this agreement, and we promise to contribute our best efforts to this partnership. It is an honor and a pleasure for me personally that we have signed this agreement with OQC – Company,” said Tim Rama, CEO of PECB. “Our company has always welcomed partnerships with companies whose goals align with and are compatible with ours. Our partnership program has grown rapidly in the previous years, and initiatives aimed specifically at developing and sustaining intentional partnerships have been key to our success. We both have great teams of professionals and resources that will serve to systematically support this partnership,” added Rama.
Abd Alraheem Amir al-bakoosh, Managing Director, OQC – Company
We in OQC are proud to be in the pool of partners of PECB; the world-renowned organization providing education and accredited personnel certification programs. Certification programs are based on strong ethical values which we share with PECB and we promise to observe in all our activities. The Libyan education and training market await high quality personnel certification education yielding improvement and rising of the organizational technical competence to the internationally acceptable level. In partnering with PECB we promise to satisfy this target.
About PECB 
PECB is a certification body that provides education, certification, and certificate programs for individuals on a wide range of disciplines.
We help professionals and organizations show commitment and competence by providing them with valuable education, evaluation, certification, and certificate programs against rigorous internationally recognized standards. Our mission is to provide our clients with comprehensive services that inspire trust, continual improvement, demonstrate recognition, and benefit the society as a whole. For further information about PECB’s principal objectives and activities, visit
About OQC – Company
In addition to our support and consultation to our clients in their efforts to implement management systems and develop improved technical practices, we in OQC provide technical training in various fields (including project management, corrosion and corrosion control, non-destructive testing, crane, lifting equipment and heavy vehicle inspection, etc.) and variety of ISO standards education and certification.