PECB signs a partnership agreement with Best Experts - Conseils

Featured News 2017-07-19
PECB signs a partnership agreement with Best Experts - Conseils
July 19, 2017 – PECB is pleased to announce a collaborative partnership with Best Experts - Conseils, to bring PECB training courses in Benin. This partnership will enable both companies to strengthen their presence in the market by providing better access to their services, recognizing that both companies work to achieve the same goal.
“Our success with Best Experts - Conseils has allowed us to connect with our customers and deliver the services that they really want and need. PECB has built a strong reputation in the international market for its expertise and ability to develop and deliver trainings on many ISO standards,” says Eric Lachapelle, CEO of PECB. “We are excited to partner with Best Experts - Conseils and lend our expertise to help create better services for Benin market. We look forward on growing this partnership as market demand for ISO Standards Trainings continues to grow,” added Lachapelle 
Anicet B. Aniambossou, General Director, Best Experts - Conseils
“We are very honored by this partnership with PECB, which will now give a boost to our training, auditing and business support activities to ISO certification. In BENIN at the moment, PECB is not known. Our mission is to use our communication channels and experiences to better inform PECB in order to increase its market share in a more or less virgin market” said Anicet B. Aniambossou.
About PECB 
PECB is a certification body for persons, management systems, and products on a wide range of international standards. As a global provider of training, examination, audit, and certification services, PECB offers its expertise on multiple fields, including but not limited to Information Security, IT, Business Continuity, Service Management, Quality Management Systems, Risk & Management, Health, Safety, and Environment. 
We help professionals and organizations to show commitment and competence with internationally recognized standards by providing this assurance through the education, evaluation and certification against rigorous, internationally recognized competence requirements. Our mission is to provide our clients comprehensive services that inspire trust, continual improvement, demonstrate recognition, and benefit society as a whole. For further information regarding PECB principal objectives and activities, visit 
About Best Experts - Conseils 
BEST EXPERTS-CONSEILS is an International Cabinet for STRENGTHENING COMPETENCIES, ACCOMPANYING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and AUDIT QUALITY based in Cotonou, approved by FODEFCA under the number 150010 and authorized by the DGRCE in accordance with Decision Year 2016 428 / MTFPAS / DC / SGM / DGRCE / DFCMA / SERD / SA empowering vocational training centers and cabinets of 30 September 2016.
BEST EXPERTS-CONSEILS is now present in several African countries through its representations and partnerships.
BEST EXPERTS-CONSEILS is very active in the Democratic Republic of CONGO (DRC) through the training and accompaniment of companies, in MOROCCO, through its partner AFRICA COMPETENCES, in BURKINA FASO and TOGO through its representations.
BEST EXPERTS-CONSEILS intervenes in the support of companies for the implementation of their quality management system according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 17025, ISO 22000, ISO 26000, OHSAS 18001, ISO 45001, planning and conducting diagnostic audits, auditing, and training of internal quality auditors and certified quality auditors