STEER, LLC Announces a Business Partnership with PECB, an Accredited ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System Certification Body

Featured News 2017-10-19

New York, NY October, 2017 -- STEER, LLC (“STEER”), a global provider of compliance, risk management and audit services, and PECB, an accredited ISO certification body, are delighted to announce a new business partnership. The global partnership provides examination, audit, and certification services for the ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System.

ISO 37001 was published in October 2016 and provides companies guidance on establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing and improving their anti-bribery management systems. ISO 37001 is the highest globally recognized anti-bribery standard. 

STEER already offered a wide range of services to companies wanting to meet ISO 37001 requirements. The partnership with PECB enables it to also conduct ISO 37001 certification audits and issue accredited certifications through PECB.

“We are proud to partner with PECB”, said Kerry Keating, partner and senior executive at STEER, LLC. “Although there are non-acredited companies that issue certifications for this standard,we believe that the ISO 37001 certification must be issued by an ISO accredited certification body to ensure acceptance by the marketplace and global regulators” added Mr. Keating.

“Obtaining an ISO 37001 certification demonstrates a company’s determination to abide by the highest anti-bribery standards, which gives a competitive advantage and sends out a clear message to its stakeholders”, said Daniel Bleeker, partner and senior executive at STEER LLC.

“As senior compliance executives with a Fortune 200 company, we served on a cross-functional senior management team, which was successful in bringing resolution to  US Government, Department of Justice FCPA investigation, and guided the company through an extended probationary period as part of a deffered prosecution agreement.  This team developed and implemented an anti-bribery management program recognized by U.S. regulators as best in class” said Kerry Keating.


STEER, LLC is a boutique group of compliance, risk management and internal audit professionals with over four decades of experience as senior executives with multinational corporations. The quality of their work has been recognized by the management and boards of Fortune 200 companies, as well as by government authorities and regulators worldwide. STEER’s network of experts have a minimum of 20 years’ experience and are highly knowledgeable in providing compliance, risk management and audit services globally.

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About PECB

PECB is a certification body for persons, management systems, and products on a wide range of international standards. As a global provider of training, examination, audit, and certification services, PECB offers its expertise on multiple fields, including but not limited to Information Security, IT, Business Continuity, Service Management, Quality Management Systems, Risk & Management, Health, Safety, and Environment. 

PECB helps professionals and organizations to show commitment and competence with internationally recognized standards by providing education, evaluation and certification services against rigorous competence requirements.

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