PECB UK has signed a partnership agreement with PMI Hub Ltd

Featured News 2018-02-09
PECB UK is pleased to announce a collaborative partnership with PMI Hub Ltd, to bring PECB UK training courses in England. This partnership will enable both companies to strengthen their presence in the market by providing better access to their services, recognizing that both companies work to achieve the same goal.
“Our success with PMI Hub Ltd has allowed us to connect with our customers and deliver the services that they really want and need. PECB UK has built a strong reputation in the international market for its expertise and ability to develop and deliver training courses on many ISO standards,” says Graeme Parker, Managing Director of PECB UK. “We are excited to partner with PMI Hub Ltd and lend our expertise to help create better services for England market. We look forward on growing this partnership as market demand for ISO Standard Trainings continues to grow,” added Parker.
"The partnership with PECB will elevate PMI Hub’s position as the “go to” provider of globally recognized and professionally accredited training courses. This will place PMI Hub at the forefront of cutting-edge audit, consultancy, and training solutions. PMI Hub’s vision is to deliver a bespoke package, tailored to the specific needs of end-users. This will enable individuals and businesses to derive immediate benefits following implementation of the tools and techniques learnt", said Seb Abbasi, Director at PMI Hub Ltd. 
About PECB 
PECB is a certification body for persons, management systems, and products on a wide range of international standards. As a global provider of training, examination, audit, and certification services, PECB offers its expertise on multiple fields, including but not limited to Information Security, IT, Business Continuity, Service Management, Quality Management Systems, Risk & Management, Health, Safety, and Environment. 
We help professionals and organizations to show commitment and competence with internationally recognized standards by providing this assurance through the education, evaluation and certification against rigorous, internationally recognized competence requirements. Our mission is to provide our clients comprehensive services that inspire trust, continual improvement, demonstrate recognition, and benefit society as a whole. For further information regarding PECB principal objectives and activities, visit
About PMI Hub Ltd 
We deliver the services that you need to take your project management to the next level. Our combination of innovative courses and leading consultancy services, give you the flexibility to identify where you need extra support. 
With GDPR just around the corner, our Data Protection Officer course will equip new and veteran DPOs with the necessary competencies and knowledge to enable them to implement and comply with the new regulation.
We have the talent and experience to provide invaluable project management support and it is our vision to become a recognized industry leader, delivering superior project management training and consulting services across a broad range of industries.
Project management is a vital part of successfully producing products, services, or results. For businesses that want to continually improve or for professionals with the desire to stand out, this process must be executed correctly.
Addressing the needs of:
  • Businesses that need to retain a competitive edge
  • Career progression, graduate & new entrants to the field
  • Community Outreach & the Voluntary Sector
  • New & Seasoned Project Management Professionals