PECB signs a partnership agreement with BIT-Business and Information Technology

Featured News 2014-08-17
PECB is proud to announce that we have signed a partnership agreement with Tunis based- BIT to distribute PECB training courses. This agreement will ensure that PECB in alliance with BIT will organize qualitative ISO training courses.
“BIT is now part of our group and we welcome them for joining the list of many PECB partners,” said Eric Lachapelle, CEO of PECB. Working with a partner as BIT, to organize training courses is an exciting development for our company and will enable us to meet client needs for high quality education in fields of ISO standards in Tunis.”
“We are proud of being a PECB partner,” said Sonia Kallel, Manager of BIT. “Working with PECB as a certification organization partner, organize training courses and plan PECB exams is a huge step for the development of our company and will enable us to answer our client training and certification needs in many and different fields of ISO standards.”
About PECB
Professional Evaluation and Certification Board (PECB) is a certification body for persons for a wide range of international standards, including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO/IEC 20000, ISO 22301, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27005, OHSAS 18001, ISO 22000, ISO 26000 and ISO 28000.
Established in 2005, PECB has earned a reputation for integrity, value and best practice by providing this assurance through the evaluation and certification of professionals against rigorous, internationally recognized competence requirements. Our mission is to provide our clients comprehensive personnel examination and certification services. For more information about PECB visit:
About Business and Information Technology
Business and Information Technology (BIT) is a firm that dels with Finance (F), the Risk Management (RM), Compliance (C) of the Banking Techniques (TB), Governance Information Systems (GSI) and Information Technology and Communication (ICT). Our goal is to bring innovation at the heart of business, target and steer transformations that value and make a real asset servicing business strategy information system. Our mission is to help our customers meet the challenges of improving the well-being of their people and governments to improve their effectiveness and efficiency. The process of our training focuses on learning and exchange through a practical approach to teaching. For more information about BIT visit: .